Monday, February 27, 2012

The Glass Menagerie - Poor Laura

"You didn't mention that he was engaged to be married." p. 1287

As my title of this blog entry states: poor Laura! It's really not hard for the reader to take Laura's side on everything that happens in this story. I instantly felt sorry for her when Williams mentioned her crippled leg. That feeling of sympathy grew as the story went on. She had to drop out of school because she had an embarrassing moment and her mother constantly reminds her of how she doesn't have any callers at night. Not to mention she is constantly put in between Amanda and Tom. But perhaps the most depressing thing about Laura is that she finally got a caller, Jim, to give her a chance he ended up being engaged to someone else. That had to have been completely awful. And as if that wasn't enough, Tom left her alone with Amanda. I just generally feel really sorry for Laura in the entire story.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with everything you said above. I like to think that all the encouraging things Jim said to her were enough to build up her confidence to make her gtfo of the apartment she lives in and to build her own path in life, and that hopefully she'll find another gentleman caller along the way.
