Monday, April 30, 2012

The Great Gatsby - Gatsby has a father?

"It was a photograph of the house, cracked in the corners and dirty with many hands... He had shown it so often that I think it was more real to him now than the house itself." p. 180

I think that Gatsby's dad serves as a sharp contrast to all of the other characters in the book. Unlike the others, he was not "new money" or "old money". He was not selfish or deceiving. He was not careless and cheating. Even after his son had deserted him, he still had genuine love and admiration for Gatsby after all of these years. As the quote above demonstrates, Gatsby's father was not concerned with material possessions. The picture that his son had sent back to him of the house stood for so much more than an image of his wealth. Instead, his father saw it as a benchmark for his son's success. Instead of seeing the lavish extravagance of the house, he saw the hard work that Gatsby had done in order to obtain it. That is what made him proud. It wasn't how much Gatsby had, but how far he had come. This is sharply contrasted with all of the other characters in the book. For example, Daisy only loved Gatsby for what he had and what she could offer him; not what he had done to get to where she was. I really admire his father for not being like Daisy and he is easily my favorite character in the book.


  1. Ah. Profound. But seriously, I really do agree with you. I felt like Gatsby's father was the man at the end of Captain America and Thor who just drops in and makes the movie awesome. (I don't know his name, but Samuel Jackson plays him, and he has an eye patch. He works for the government.) Not that the movies weren't awesome before the end, but he just wraps it all together. Gatsby's father is this guy for me: the man who makes it all connect. And now, I shall quit rambling about things that have to do with the Avengers because I'm so excited to see it!

    Have a wonderful day :)


    This guy.
