Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Barbie Doll

"Everyone saw a fat nose on thick legs."

In this poem, the general tone was sort of melancholy. This girl was brought up like any other girl: force-fed all these ideas of what she should be in order to be viewed as acceptable in society. However, she did not fit this norm. Instead, she was only seen as "a fat nose on thick legs." The speakers diction and the text really amplified and ellicited what the girl must have been feeling her whole life. The speaker talks about how the girl was seemingly unaffected by all of this: "She went to and fro apologizing." However, as the poem progresses "her good nature wore out like a fan belt." And finally, she ends her life, further adding to the melancholy tone. There is a bit of irony at the very end when the speaker mentions, "To every women, a happy ending." This girl did not end her life in a happy way at all. But since society expects that from the girl, it makes this ironic.

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