Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Panther

I'm finding out that my interpretations of poetry are usually much different than everyone else's. I'm also figuring out that I do not delve very deep into possible meanings for poems. For example, this poem is one of those that I simply saw on the surface. I am really looking forward to figuring out exactly how to interpret poems. But for now, I will just go over what I thought this one was about. To me, this one is about someone or something that is locked behind bars (well duh, it says that. "It seems to him there are a thousand bars, and behind the bars, no world.") But what this is referring to is not physical bars, but the implications that they pose. This being is inhibited by something and is therefor unable to move forward. And when this creature gets glimpses of what life could be like, they get a sad feeling and close off from the world, knowing they will never acheive it while they are imprisoned by something.
I realize that this was inredibly vague...

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