Wednesday, September 7, 2011


This is another where I don't think I comprehended it very well. But I will give it a go.
The images in this are all negative and kinding depressing. Especially when the author writes, "runs in blood down palace walls." To me, this whole thing was talking about the different social castes within the city of London at the time. The Palace was simply a symbol for the king. And the blood running down the walls could be all the people that the king was using sort of as pawns. They represent the people who had no respect, but were forced to give their lives to not only the king, but the Church and other institutions. The "forged manacles" represents the mindset that everyone had towards other people. They had a set way that society must be in order for it to run the way it should in their minds. This led to no diversity and no individuality. Finally, what also struck me was when they were talking about Harlots and how they hurt infants. This means to me that prostitution and arranged marriages, something very common in that time, are making children unahppy and corrupting the youth, as well as the city as a whole.

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