Friday, July 8, 2011

Brave New World: 12


" 'This hive of industry,' as the Director was fond of calling it, was in the full buzz of work." page 147

This literary technique I almost always find the most effective. It clearly shows exactly what the writer was trying to convey. By explaining the industry as a hive, I immediately had something to compare it with. Having experienced beehives in my life, I was able to grasp the meaning behind this metaphor. When I think of bees, I think of hard workers who never cease to do their duties. That is how I also think of this society. Just like bees, the workers here are born with a job. They know nothing else other than their job and efficiently accomplish their tasks with blissful ignorance. Also, I was able to hear the industry. When he compared it to the buzz of the hive, I instantly thought that everyone of those workers must be hard at work.

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