Friday, July 8, 2011

Brave New World: 15


"He picked up his pen again, and under the words 'Not to be published' drew a second line, thicker and blacker than the first; then sighed, 'What fun it would be,' he thought, 'if one didn't have to think about happiness!'" page 177

I don't know about the rest of the world, but when I'm laying all cozy in my bed at night, I think about all the fun, happy times I had. For me, it is the highlight of my day. Thinking about the great times had is fun and makes you feel good. It is not a chore or something to dread. Even in more sad or angering circumstances, pondering on happiness can really change your life. So I thought it odd why Mustapha Mond would say such words. Isn't this whole society based on happiness for the entire people? However, I believe what he was referring to was he did not like thinking of happiness because it wasn't true happiness in that culture. Happiness for them was taking soma and going to the feelies. Both of which are entirely superficial things. They experienced no love or compassion (any feelings, really). And those two, for me, lead to the greatest happiness.

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