Friday, July 8, 2011

Brave New World: 13


"When the individual feels, the community reels." Lenina Pg 94

This is only one of the many examples of clever sayings throughout this book. The creators and directors of this society have been heavily forcing this down the individuals throats for a very scientifically set interval of time in order for this to really sink in. It sinks in so far, in fact, that it becomes a part of the person. They truly believe that these phrases are the actual indisputable facts. This literary device is very helpful to the reader because we all have grown up hearing phrases similar to theirs. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" and "don't put all your eggs in one basket" are two examples of phrases I have been hearing my whole existence. These phrases, among countless others, are created to help us succeed in leading a healthy, cautious life. I would never believe someone who told me that not making healthy decisions could actually save me a trip to the doctor. By using aphorisms, Huxley is demonstrating how difficult it is for characters such as Lenina to understand anything other than what they honestly believe as the absolute truth.

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