Thursday, July 7, 2011

Brave New World: 6


"Thank Ford! he was not the last." page 79

So far throughout the novel, I have been reading about this Ford character quite often. Other than knowing he was the creator of this society, I had no idea who he really was. However, as I continued reading further, I noticed that he kind of takes place of a higher power. Whereas today we have God, Muhammad, Buddha etc, in this culture they do not believe in religions. Well, actually, it seems as if they are prohibited of ever knowing that religions and religious leaders ever existed. It seems as if Huxley decided to replace the name "God" with "Ford" to make it fit in with the characters and the lifestyle in the story. I have noticed that some characters in the story will refer to authority figures with different names, all which include "Ford" in the spelling. There are many allusions to past religions in this story, but this one stood out to me the most. Perhaps it is because I am a teenage and often overuse the ever-annoying "OMG" and other pointless phrases.

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