Friday, August 12, 2011

Never Let Me Go: 4


"' Jackie's giraffes,' Ruth said with a laugh. 'They were so beautiful. I used to have one.'" p. 17

In this part, Ruth and Kathy are discussing their exchanges at Hailsham. The exchanges involved all of the students making paintings, poems, sculptures, and anything art-related. However, Kathy and her close group of friends were not the only ones in the exchange. So, naturally, some other characters needed to be thrown in there. I liked this because it added depth to the conversation Ruth and Kathy were having. Have you ever been on the outside of a conversation when two old friends bring up past stories about people you have never heard of? That's how I felt reading this part. And I was still left with that feeling that I wanted to learn more about this person or that thing. Jackie is a flat character because all it says about her was that she was good at making giraffes.

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